Dr. EdTech

Views & ReViews on Digital Gadgets For Us Baby Boomers!

Ain’t that “cuil”!

You may have already read about (or even visited) http://www.cuil.com. (Pronounced “cool”) It is quoted as claiming to become a google killer. REALLY! It’s founded by a husband-wife, software engineers, team who worked for google. Actually, I believe they owned a software product that google bought. Anyway, the story is that they have designed a new page display along with search algorithms that have collected 121 billion “pages” and counting compared to google’s measly third that amount (or so, google’s not commenting).



I’ve spent a bit of time cuil-ing it and, although I like the page layout, I am not all that impressed by it. It IS worth a mention here with the hope that you will check t out and decide for yourself. It’s worth a look: I believe I read somewhere that it has $33MM in venture capital and that, in and of itself, is “cuil”!


(That said, google me and I am on the first page, the second and third lines; cuil me and I am nowhere to be found – at least in the 10 pages I viewed.)

July 30, 2008 - Posted by | Education-related

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